Donald Trump is many things: a con artist, a fraud, a huckster, a liar, a serial adulterer, a racist, a fascist, a fat, balding man with bad skin, a draft dodger, and… a clown. Here’s Trump pretending to drive a truck. (He thinks you make the truck move by yelling at it…)

Here’s Donald Trump pretending to work at McDonald’s. (Either that, or he’s trying to give a State of the Union address from the take-out window of a McDonald’s…)

As far as anyone can tell, Trump lives in a fantasy world where he, and he alone, should decide what other people should be allowed to do, say, wear, think, or be. He believes anything he sees in a right-wing conspiracy blog (or X, which is essentially the same thing these days…) and he lives for cosplay. His mind, such as it ever was, is rapidly decomposing. He is barely able to utter a coherent sentence, goes on about the size of the genitals of a famous golfer (or a fictional character from the movies) and frequently forgets that he’s running against Kamala Harris, not Joe Biden.